promptText = "Would you like to open your web browser to read the detailed help file? If your browser doesn't launch automatically, exit the game and check the Help folder for "
if gDemoVersion then
put "the help files in HTML format." after myBrowser
put "documents in various formats." after myBrowser
end if
titleText = "Open Help?"
rootTemp = the moviePath
delete char -30000 of rootTemp
delete char -30002 of rootTemp
root = EMPTY
repeat with X = 1 to length(rootTemp)
if rootTemp.char[X] = SPACE then
put "%20" after myBrowser
next repeat
end if
if rootTemp.char[X] = gFileSep then
put "/" after myBrowser
next repeat
end if
put rootTemp.char[X] after myBrowser
end repeat
web = "file:///" & root & "/help/index.htm"
if link starts "mailto:" then
web = link
len = length("mailto:")
mail = web.char[len + 1..length(web)]
promptText = "Is your browser set up to send email? If not, open your email program manually and send us mail at" && mail
titleText = "Go Online?"
web = link
promptText = "Would you like to open your web browser and go online? If your browser doesn't open automatically, start it manually and visit" && web